AN INTERNATIONAL DATING SITE. It all starts in the search menu of an international dating site… A man sets his individual “search” parameters (the desired age of his women’s profiles future darling, her country of residence, the presence of children, body type, weight, height, hair color, and so on), presses the button “ Find” and begins to look through the women’s profiles on triptogether.com presented to him in the search results. The first thing a man sees in the search results will be the main photo of the profile…
We will make a reservation in advance that we have made an attempt to describe the behavior of most men. Describing a certain pattern of behavior. It is impossible to foresee the manner of behavior, motivation inherent in individuals, individuals who may “not fit” into this pattern.
Main Photo of The Questionnaire – INTERNATIONAL DATING SITE
Looking through women’s profiles on an international dating site, from the results offered in the search. A man will select for himself and open that profile, the woman in the main photo of which he likes. If the main photo of the profile in the search results did not “rush” into his eyes. Did not attract his attention. He would not notice the profile of this woman and he would not open it.
It is for this reason that we advise you to pay special attention to the choice of the main photo of your profile on an international dating site. You can find tips for choosing the main photo in the article “Choosing the main photo of a profile on an international dating site”.
Additional photos of the Women’s Profiles
Having opened the women’s profiles. The man, first of all, will look at her other photos (additional photos that she added to her profile). Why? The answer is simple, on dating sites, men write to those women who initially attracted them outwardly (visually). Later, during communication, superficial sympathy will be able to strengthen and grow into a more serious interest. Or the charm of the image created by the man’s imagination will show itself to be erroneous, and will not find “confirmation” in a real woman.
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Our advice: add as many good photos as possible to your profile on a dating site with foreigners. And this means photos that will not only show you from the best side. (We are not talking about retouching photos!) But also like a man. You can read more about common mistakes made when choosing photos for an international dating site in the article “Photos for a dating site with foreigners: 10 mistakes”.
Photos For an International Dating Site
Only if a man liked the photos of a woman. He will continue to “study” her profile, move on to personal information and data of the “ideal partner”. If the man did not like the women’s profiles in the photographs, he will not continue to read her profile.
It may also happen that a man is so amazed, “lit” by the photographs of the questionnaire. That he, without reading the rest of the information or despite the discrepancies on some “points”. (For example, the age range of the chosen one or the presence, absence of children), hurries to send a message to the lady 🙂
You may ask, but what about spiritual qualities, character, inner world? In the questionnaire, no matter how voluminous it may be, it is impossible to recognize spiritual qualities. To understand the character of another person, to get acquainted with his priorities, life goals and inner world is possible only through personal communication. And personal women’s profiles communication may not take place if the photographs of the profile leave the man indifferent.
Questionnaire Information
After reviewing the photographs of the profile (and provided that they made a positive impression on him, he liked the woman on them), the man will get acquainted with the rest of the information of the profile: a description of external data (height, weight, hair, and eye color), biography features (profession and education, marital status, having children), “requirements” for a man with whom a woman from triptogether would like to meet, hobbies and interests.
Most men will close the women’s profile if they find in it an excessive interest in the financial situation of a man (in other words, signs of self-interest). “I will meet a wealthy/wealthy/rich man”. “He should have his own business”. “I want to live in a house by the sea”, “he should have his own house”, “I love expensive gifts” … A man, regardless of the level of his income. He wants, first of all, to be loved and accepted for who he is, and not because of what standard of living he can offer.
We would also like to advise you to avoid manifestations of aggression, intolerance, pessimism, and categorically in your questionnaires. “I hate…”, “I’m tired…”, “I don’t believe…”, “It’s sad…”
Men pay special attention to the fact that a woman has children, the question of whether she allows her future partner to have children, the age range of her future partner, and the lady’s knowledge of foreign